Our carefully curated selection training program is designed to cater to your specific needs and preferences. Each module in our program represents our commitment to quality, functionality, and style. 



Service is the unique opportunity to make a difference to a Guest’s life! Trying to define this kind of service is as difficult as trying to define love. Nevertheless, the very word service can be defined by the equation: Service is technical skills plus attitude.


Consider service in a property and you will find not only a good combination of technique and attitude but with energy and commitment there is passion as well. However developing the highest standards of service requires being motivated towards a deeper understanding of the Guests’ needs.


Most professionals do not think it is possible to train attitude. They feel there are givers and takers in the world and the givers are the service providers.

Attitude begin in life by our personal experience, how our parents and environment responded to us. Attitudes are formed by how we meet life’s challenges. We can place these experiences in perspective, see them as part of learning in life or we can turn them into fear, frustration and anger. This is our individual choice.


Personal self-esteem has much to do with our attitude and the choice we make. Attitude is also formed by the understanding of how a service provider fits into the overall scheme of things. Essentially, service is a path to love, a love of our fellow man, a love of life, about people, and what is important when it has all been said, and done. We personally believe that it is certainly possible to train attitude. A large part of our training we do, concentrates on exactly this.


The first step towards great attitude and great service is willingness. A willingness, not just to give service but truly understand the Guests at the hotel who require service and how and why the need it in the first place.


The second step is grooming. This is not just a physical sense. It’s all part of the big picture at the hotel. Mental grooming supports both attitude and commitment. It not only makes us feel better; it inspires both our Guests and ourselves.


The true purpose of service is not the delivery of a “product”, tangible or intangible. At any property we put smiles on faces and that is what working there makes such a challenge. When a Guest walks out a hotel, seemingly floating on air with a smile on his or her face; that is our product.


Many service staff are not in the position to criticize constructively, simply because they have no personal benchmark or experience with which to make a comparison. This benchmark can only be gained by exposure to the right information, situations and training.



Often the staff has never even experienced the style of service that they are expected to give. It is like asking a Butler about his food without the Butler  even knowing what it tastes like! Unthinkable! In conclusion, service is the unique opportunity to make, not just a difference, but to leave an enduring memory that lingers on until the next change comes along to create more memories trough superb service.


Welcome & HBA  Introduction

·       Butler and Service Host Competencies

·       How to become a passionate Host

·       Definition of Communication (verbal & nonverbal), Feedback

·       How to manage your guests, DISG Model of behavior


Etiquette & Body Language in practical guest mode training

·   First impressions, grooming

·   Impact of preparations

·   Reading & handling body language

·   Professional introductions

·   Handshaking,

·   Remembering names, smiling

·   Addressing guest with etiquette


Etiquette & Protocol  

  • Presentation skill training
  • Standard of Appearance
  • Service in Style. Guest mode training.
  • Communication in style. Guest mode training
  • Escorting guests to restaurants and tables
  • Complaint handling


The service skills below will be trained in fine dining guest mode practical training at different FB outlets and Suites , with implementation of the topics above.  E.g. Reading body language, anticipation, cultural awareness, timing, discretion etc.


Service in Excellence

  • seating guests at a table
  • Accept a tip graciously
  • Packing and unpacking luggage
  • Ironing and folding shirts
  • Polishing shoes
  • The duties of a Hotel Butler


Practical Concierge Services


Practical F&B Butler Services

  • Escorting guest from the vehicle
  • Escorting guest from the reception to the suite
  • Offer, open and serving champagne
  • Open and serving wine.
  • Carry a tray correctly.
  • High Tea Service


 Soft skills Training

  • How do you become a passionate Host
  • How to create a magic moment for your guests
  • Team player, Team Building
  • How to deal with difficult guest 


  • Consolidation
  • Definition of leadership qualities
  • How can you motivate yourselves?
  • What are the most important skills of a Host?
  • Recap Training. 


The Tuition Fee cost of eight weeks training program = Euro 11.984,- pp. The Butler Training program will be excuted at our designated schools and educational facilities. All prices are net and are calculated per person. Board and lodging are not included. 


For any questions or booking requirements please contact : 

Attention to : Mr. Olaf Eman 

Email Adress:

Phone number: +49 173 528 35 13