Ivan Winterhalder
Managing Director / Co-Owner

Team Instructors

Olaf Eman
Managing Director / Co-Owner / Founder
Managing Director at Hotel Butler Academy.
Mr. Ivan Winterhalder
At this time Mr. Winterhalder is as well holding the position as & Partner at
Training is one of the most exciting jobs anyone can have. Although a trainer’s role has changed substantially over the past decade and is currently going through another metamorphosis, many of the positive aspects always remain with the job. First, as a trainer you impact the work of many people – not only the learners with whom you work but also supervisors, senior management, clients and perhaps even your company’s board of directors. As a trainer, you have access to many people, and you can develop a broader picture of your organisation’s needs.
Lead Trainer & Managing Director at Hotel Butler Academy:
Mr. Olaf Eman
At this time Mr. Eman is as well holding the position as at
There is a bit of the butler in everyone – the honesty, the creativity, the caring, the social graces, the phlegmatic; it is rare to find someone with all these qualities who can keep them turned on day in, day out, despite all the reasons not to. Most of employees are highly motivated, have a success-oriented attitude and can-do ordinary things extraordinary well.
Our training philosophy is efficiency-oriented, “Learning by doing.” We desire to assist your future employee in acquiring new skills and technical knowledge.
At our centre of excellence, we offer young talents the opportunity to prepare for their specific assignment on board, both theoretically and practically. In addition, existing knowledge of your specialist staff can be deepened and/or new knowledge acquired in separate training units.
Mr. Olaf Eman leads all course tuition and will be present at every course and is supported by a team of loyal and experienced teaching staff for the training of students who wish to achieve wide-range skills .
“We have experienced and inspiring trainers who are specialised in particular aspects and will provide hands-on training during the course.